النبي محمد صل الله عليه وسلم
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
من المفهوم تماما لنا بأن نبينا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم كان من البشر يوحي الله له فما كان ينطق عن الهوى بل هو وحي يوحى (ولكن لأولئك الذين ربما لا يؤمنون).
أنها معجزة أن يحدد الرسول اتجاه الكعبة بكل دقة قبل 1400 سنة.
كوكل الأرض Google Earth ثبت أيضا إن النبي محمد (صل الله عليه وسلم) هو الحق - فلا يمكن لأي إنسان على وجه الأرض أن يرسم خطا مستقيما على سطح الأرض بين اثنين من مدن بعيدة إلا بمساعدة خرائط مفصلة وأجهزة دقيقة ، فالذي أدلى به رسول الله صل الله عليه وسلم أصبح اليوم ممكنا بسبب الطائرات والأقمار الصناعية ومعرفة خطوط العرض والطول وارتفاع الأرض.
ومع ذلك، كان هناك شخص قد فعل هذا منذ ١٤٠٠ سنة ، هذا الشخص هو
نبي الإسلام وشفيع الأمة محمد صل الله عليه وسلم.
This is totally understood (but for those whom maybe don't believe)
Google Earth also proves that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is right-(MUST SEE)
Google Earth proves that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is right
No human on earth can draw a straight line on the surface of the earth between two far cities except with the aid of detailed maps, made possible today due to airplanes, satellites, and knowledge of latitude, longitude, and land height. However, there was a person who had done this 1400 years ago. This person is the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
While the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was in Madinah Al-Munawarah, Allah instructed him that he should face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque in Makkah. From then on, it became the Qiblah for Muslims. And from then on, Islam was spreading. After the victory of (Fatih Makkah) people came and entered Islam. Then, the prophet (peace be upon him) started to sent the teachers to these people to teach them Islam. One of them Wabr ibn Yohanas Al-Khozaee whom the prophet (peace be upon him) sent to Yemen (Sana'a). He was ordered to teach people of Sana and to build them a Mosque by features the prophet (peace be upon him) had defined to him.
Al-Tabarani narrates in the Mu'jam Al-wsat saying:
Wabr ibn Yohanas Al-Khozaee said: the prophet (peace be upon him) said to me " if you build the mosque of Sana'a, make it to the right of a mountain called Deyn"
To explain, Al-Hafez Al-Rahzey says in his book "The History of Sana'a) that the prophet (peace be upon him) ordered Wabr ibn Yohanas Al-Khozaee to build the mosque in Bathan park, from where is found a rock in Gamdan and face it to a mountain called Deyn
The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him),1400 years age, ordered to build the mosque Sana'a facing Jabal-e-deen .If we use Google Earth and draw a straight line from the mosque Sana'a to the Qibla which is in Makkah, it will pass through the peak of jabal-e-deen and will end at the center of Kaba.
How could someone 1400 years ago have shown the exact direction for kaba from a far away city without using the new aids needed for such a process?
Of course this a miracle .